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Temporary Portable Equipment
Temporary Portable Equipment is basically an equipment that is not considered as a permanent part of any installation and is removed after certain time period. Temporary Portable equipment includes temporary logging unit, temporary electric power packs, temporary portable generators, temporary diagnostic equipment, proprietary well testing equipment, etc.
Any installation process requires further introduction of TPE in the original design, but, at the same time, it requires the management of modification and control of associated potential hazards.
Insufficient guarding of any handheld TPE
Can cause trapping and entanglement of clothes which can lead to injuries. Certain kind of TPE can pose a danger of exposure to excessive levels of noise. Using TPE, like hand appliances, users may experience hand or full-body vibration. Any temporary wire lines and cables obstructs pathway and escalate the risk of trip and fall, if there is poor workplace housekeeping.
Temporary portable equipment
is used on both offshore and onshore installation and it can come up with serious hazards during operations. Therefore, these hazards need to be identified, analysed and controlled. As the installation process continues, need of TPE might be felt in the original design. This introduction of new temporary equipment requires the management of modifications, identification of associated hazards and permanent solutions.

These hazards should be controlled to effectively manage the temporary portable equipment. Primarily, TPE needs to be installed under installation Permit to Work (PTW) System, it conveys all the procedures required for hazard control. To prevent the risks related to temporary electric equipment, all electrical tools must be checked beforehand on regular intervals and appliances should be well-maintained. TPE requires special training for it to be used safely, so it is best to have restricted access only for those who know how to handle it. Suitable Protective Personal Equipment (PPE) should be mandatory for those handling TPE to ensure worker safety. Appropriate clothing and hearing protection can reduce the risk of any exposure to hazard. While using portable electrical equipment, ensure that cables and wires are not trailing, and do not present a trip hazard. In case of temporary portable compressors, integrity of pressure vessel should be ensured to control high pressure hazard.
If revised management and control operations is not established and implemented, people are exposed to work floor hazards like hot surfaces, electrocution risk, high speed moving parts, high pressure, exposed blades, dust and vibrations. Electrical faults is one of the major hazards when TPE like temporary electric power packs are being used. It can cause fire, electric shock and electrocution. Use of TPE might produce residue and debris on work floor, which can cause potential injury or health issues if someone comes in contact with it.

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