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Renewables Industry is fastest growing energy sector in many developed and developing countries.
Renewables industry
With escalating support for tackling global warming and
reducing dependency on fossil fuels, people have shown interest in renewables industry. Despite the fact that fossil fuel alternatives are environment-friendly, renewable energy and the equipment used bring some major hazards with it. Usually, renewables industry is liable to similar hazards posed by traditional power generation industry. Some of the general hazards include machinery misuse, electrocution, confined spaces, fire and fall hazards. Introduction of safe workplace require people in positions of authority to assess where problems lie and take decisive steps to minimize these hazards. But, there are some crucial and detrimental safety concerns that are particularly related to rapidly expanding renewables energy industry. To analyse the hazards individually, we will look into distinct renewables like hydropower, solar, wind and geothermal.

Hydropower stations can pose significant hazards to workers who work in them. Some of the most common natural hazards related to hydroelectricity are landslides, flooding and earthquake. These primary hazards are the cause of many secondary hazards like dropped objects, slips and falls, explosion, entanglement, electrical hazards and asphyxiation. When designing a new Hydro scheme, certain workplace health and safety measures which should be taken into account are; station evacuation, flood protection, fire and smoke control, and emergency and crisis management. The drops prevention is also crucial, especially when there is risk of dropped objects during construction of dams. For the safety, hard hats, handrails, toe boards and netting can be effective measures.
Wind energy
Apart from the inherent risks associated with the renewables industry, the wind energy sector faces a significant risk of dropped objects. Environmental factors, human error and operational processes cause the dropped object incidents to occur at wind sites. Incidents can occur on turbines themselves or on vessels used for turbine installation and maintenance. For the drops prevention and mitigating the risk of drops, Drop-safe Barrier, Drop-safe Net and Drop-safe Pouch can be employed. Apart from prevention technologies like barriers, netting and securing, there is need of a hierarchy of controls that begins with designing equipment and processes in a way that hazards are reduced before these prevention systems need to be installed.
Solar energy
Installing solar panels and system is dangerous process because workers face the hazards like repetitive stress injuries, electrocution, cuts and sprains, falls and dropped objects from high rooftops. In renewables solar industry where workers work with heavy panels and tools very high off the ground, there is a huge risk of dropped objects and panels falling from height. For drops prevention and safety in solar energy sector, use of PPE, safe-lifting equipment, tool lanyards and warning signs at hazardous zones can be effective.
Geothermal Energy
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Construction and maintenance
Construction and maintenance operations call for the use of industrial safety products that are not necessarily used every day on industrial sites.
Electrical Contractors
Electrical contractors enter new worksites nearly daily. These worksites are ever changing, necessitating the constant routing and rerouting of electrical cables and hoses of various sizes.
Manufacturing safety products vary as widely as the industry. In order to keep your employees safe, manufacturing supplies must be sourced from trusted, reputable sources.
Marine and offshore
In marine and offshore, people tend to work in small workspaces on water. Especially there a safe work environment is crucial.
The mining industry is notorious for extreme workplace hazards. For this reason, innovations in mine safety are of the utmost importance.
Oil Well/Oilfield Companies
Facilities in the oil and gas industry are notorious for potential workplace hazards. For this reason, there is a large demand for safety equipment.
Petrochemical Companies and Oil Refineries
Petrochemical companies are large multinationals with extremely rigorous safety standards, as instituted by law in most countries.
Storage and Warehousing
Warehousing and other storage solutions operate under tightly controlled conditions out of necessity. Here, moving vehicles andpedestrian trafficcreate a potential safety nightmare.
Renewables Industry is fastest growing energy sector in many developed and developing countries.
Power generation
Power Generation Industry refers to the facilities that generate electricity from
sources like coal, natural gas, solar, wind and nuclear energy.