Light Duty Barrier


Light Duty Barrier to restrict access of manhole. Shielding manholes with a net or ribbon is no longer sufficient these days and does not meet the safety requirements. That is why the Light Duty Barrier was created. The Light Duty manhole Barrier is made of plastic and has four arms that are attached to a warning sign using M10 bolts and nuts. Bolts or tie-raps are required to attach the Manhole barrier. The barrier is light in weight and easy to install. The holes in the arms have a length of 5 cm and a width of 2 cm.


  • 3 sizes available (400 mm, 620 mm and 780 mm)
  • Light weight
  • Made from Plastic PE
  • Holes arms 5 x 2 cm
  • Connection arms to warning sign M10 Locknut – M10 Bolt
  • Installation standard bolts or cable ties
  • Easy installation
  • Different signs available
  • Custom signs available from 25 pieces or more

Signs & Sizes

Our Light Duty Barrier is supplied with a safety sign. We have three different options. Sign 2 is available in NL (Dutch), FR (French), GB (English), ESP (Spanish) and IT (Italian)

Available sizes
There are 3 sizes available:

Size: 400 mm

  • Weight: 0,440 kg
  • Min diameter: 500 mm
  • Max diameter: 980 mm

Size: 620 mm

  • Weight: 0,600 kg
  • Min diameter: 750 mm
  • Max diameter: 1200 mm

Size: 780 mm

  • Weight: 0,820 kg
  • Min diameter: 930 mm
  • Max diameter: 1420 mm

How Not To Do It

CableSafe Confined Space Safety products significantly reduce accidents in confined spaces. According to OSHA, confined space work is one of the leading causes for occupational fatalities in the U.S.

We see that in some cases alternative solutions are chosen (see image below). Unofficial / improvised solutions are never as good and reliable as CableSafe Confined Space Safety products. We would always recommend the use of official Confined Space products.


The safety of the employees in the workplace will always remain an important topic. Especially confined space entry can lead to many unnecessary injuries and can even be lethal. Below you will find some common questions regarding our Light Duty Barrier and answers thereof.

What is a Confined Space? 
These spaces are not designed for people but are used by them to conduct certain work. These spaces can be dangerous without a manhole barrier and can cause many accidents with serious consequences. A manhole in space of work can be utterly dangerous, and can lead to many unwanted accidents. That is why there are many types of manhole barricades and other warning signs to keep personnel out. Some of these spaces can contain a hazardous atmosphere or has converging walls for example.

Why use Barriers?
Manhole barriers and other types of entrance barrier are common to use when there are confined spaces at the workplace. An entry barrier can work as a manhole gate which can help to warn, signal and keep out unauthorized employees. There are different types of barriers for the different types of situations.

Why use a Light Duty Quick Adaptable Confined Space Barrier?
To battle unnecessary fatalities and accidents, the light duty barrier  restricts access and warns personnel. The difference between our Light Duty Barrier and a man-way cross barrier is that our Light Duty Barrier is light in weight as it is made of plastic, which makes it easy to carry and implement for various types of confined spaces. Off course the light duty barrier is also robust and can be attached with nuts and bolts.


Cablesafe® products are developed for the heavy industries with safety as its highest priority. Cablesafe Safety innovations have proven its usefulness for industries such as; refineries, chemical plants, shipbuilding, electrical and nuclear installation. Employees and contractors are convinced users of Cablesafe Safety Products. Some multinationals prescribe the use of Cablesafe in own company procedures to adhere to the highest safety practices.

Light Duty Barrier to restrict access of manhole
Confined space entry hazards are severe risks for employees. Accidents with unauthorized confined space entries are often deadly Confined space entry protection barrier or manhole protection barrier is the ideal tool of employees and contractors to secure these dangerous openings. The light duty quick adaptable confined space barrier warns co-workers for its dangers and prevents unauthorized (or accidental) entry. It is an effective and economic simple safety tool.

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    • OSHA Compliant Products
    • Fall Protection Specialists
    • Practical Solutions

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