Ladder Guard


CableSafe Ladder Guard provides a quick and easy solution: hooking over the rung of the ladder and can be locked at the front or the rear through the stainless steel padlock bracket (padlocks supplied optional). When you use ladder safety systems, people know they can’t use the ladder. With safety ladders you will always work in a safe environment. Fits ladders with an internal rung width of 250mm – 450mm.


Cablesafe® products are developed for the heavy industries with safety as its highest priority. Cablesafe Safety innovations have proven its usefulness for industries such as; refineries, chemical plants, shipbuilding, electrical and nuclear installation. Employees and contractors are convinced users of Cablesafe Safety Products. Some multinationals prescribe the use of Cablesafe in own company procedures to adhere to the highest safety practices.

Restrict access to ladders

CableSafe Ladder Guard is used to prevent unauthorized access to a ladder. The Ladder Guard restricts unauthorised ladder access on site and is an important safety measure. This protection for safety ladders is made of the best quality.

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