Self-Closing Safety Gate


The self-closing industrial safety gate uses gravity to close, therefore it does not depend on springs, dampers, cams or operators. The safety gates are easy to install and can be installed to hinge for left or right. The industrial safety gates are corrosion resistant and maintenance free. These safety gates comply fully with OSHA and ISO requirements. The self-closing gravity safety gates are used in windturbines to improve safety on ladders and openings. Examples of areas where industrial heavy duty safety gates are required according to the standards:

Industrial safety gates on a rooftop or an elevated (> 500 mm) working platform, where a ladder requires a gap in the guardrail that is protecting an edge the gates are required. Industrial safety gates are made to attach to the railing or ladder structure so that the gap in the railing is closed with gravity or a spring loaded self-closing safety gate. Plastic gates are becoming the standard in industry. No degradation through corrosion and no required maintenance. Industrial safety gates are a reliable solution to protect people against accidental falls through guardrail openings.

Industrial safety gates at safe walking areas: in order to provide the safest possible scenario, the pedestrian needs to know when they are entering and exiting a safe walking area. Industrial safety gates help to provide an additional level of awareness when exiting and entering a safe walking area.


  • Self-Closing Safety Gates are easy to install (light weight).
  • Self-Closing Safety Gates are Maintenance free (corrosion resistant).
  • Self-Closing Safety Gates are economical (less expensive than steel).
  • Quick delivery of Self-Closing Safety Gates (from inventory).
  • No wear (PTFE bearings).
  • Self-Closing Safety Gate has high visibility (safety-yellow colored).


  • Gate automatically closes by gravity: gravity powered closing safety gate.
  • Gate operates in all conditions.
  • Rises when opened; Returns closed when released.
  • Reliable (TÜV-tested, exceeds EN ISO 14122).
  • Design does not depend on springs, cams, bearings, or the operator.
  • Withstands 400 lb (180kg) impact test at ambient temperatures, as well as extreme temperatures (-51°F / -46°C).
  • Excellent outdoor weatherability. Supports heavy loads 24/7.
  • Due to chemical matrix, material will discolor but not degrade.
  • No loss of tensile strength after 9 month UV-exposure tests in Arizona and Florida.
  • Available in 4 sizes: Opening (mm/inch) between posts specifies size.

Best Practice

CableSafe Self-Closing Safety Gates are TÜV Tested. CableSafe – Gravity auto close / shut safety gates is in compliance with International Standardization Organization standard – ISO 14122-3:2001 [section: 3.2.5 self-closing gate part of the guard-rail which is intended to be opened easily. When the gate is released, it will close automatically using e.g. the effect of gravity or a spring] CAUTION: Old fashioned flip-over / drop-down gate mechanisms can become dropped objects. Self-closing gates such as the CableSafe self-closing industrial safety gates eliminates this hazard and would be recommended where practicable.

Best Practice Recommendations Industrial Safety Gates / Swing Gates (Drops Handbook)

  • Wherever possible, the hinges must form an integral part of the gate.
  • Removable gate hinge pins must be fitted with secondary retention e.g. split pin.
  • Gravity auto shut safety gates must open / swing inwards to the platform or deck.
  • Safety Gates must be at the same strength as surrounding guard rails.
  • Safety Gates must be secured against becoming disengaged.
  • Safety Gates must be designed to automatically return to and remain in the closed position.
  • On floating rigs, the use of locking fingers should be considered so that the gate can be locked in the closed position.
  • Where possible, toe boards should be integrated in gates.
  • Swing gates must be inspected and maintained on a regular basis to ensure adequate function.
  • Where flip-over / drop-down gate rails are fitted, these must be secured with secondary retention e.g. split pin and where necessary secured with safety wire.

Single Bar Safety Gates

We recommend the use of double bar safety gates over single bar safety gates. Double Bar Safety Gates are the CableSafe standard Safety Gates. Self Closing Safety Gates Single Bar available upon request.

  • Moulded flame retardant thermoset polyurethane.
  • Operating termperarature -40°C to +70°C.
  • Not electric conductive.
  • Universal left and right hinge.
  • Good weather, UV and chemical resistancy.
  • Load baring capacity: EN 14.122-3&4.
  • Sizes: 500 (300-560mm: 3.4 kg) 630 (561-685mm: 3.8 kg) 760 (686-810mm: 4.0 kg) 890 (811-940mm: 4.4 kg).


Cablesafe® products are developed for the heavy industries with safety as its highest priority. Cablesafe Safety innovations have proven its usefulness for industries such as; refineries, chemical plants, shipbuilding, electrical and nuclear installation. Employees and contractors are convinced users of Cablesafe Safety Products. Some multinationals prescribe the use of Cablesafe in own company procedures to adhere to the highest safety practices.

Secure ladder openings and prevent fall form height with Self-Closing Industrial Safety Gates

The self-closing double bar safety gate is designed to prevent falls from heights at ladder openings, working platforms or pedestrian areas. The safety gates exceed the EU ISO 14122-3 standard requirements and is TÜV tested (certificates available on request). This European standard requires a self-closing gate with at least a hand- and knee-rail. This self closing gate proven design is successfully used over 30 years, sold 500,000+ units in over 60 countries.

The self-closing industrial safety gate uses gravity to close, therefore the self closing gate does not depend on springs, dampers, cams or operators.

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    • OSHA Compliant Products
    • Fall Protection Specialists
    • Practical Solutions

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