confined space safety

Confined space safety precautions

Confined space entry hazards are severe risks for personnel. Accidents with unauthorized confined space entries are often deadly.

According to OSHA, confined space work is one of the leading causes for occupational fatalities in the U.S. A big part of that comes from workers not being trained of the potential hazards that can be lurking within a space. In order for a work area to be defined as a confined space it must meet all three of the following criteria:

1) Limited Openings for Entry and Exit. A confined space may be difficult to enter and perform repair work, or general maintenance. If something goes wrong while you are inside a confined space, escape/rescue may be difficult. Just because a work area has more than one way of escape, does not necessarily mean it is not a confined space. If the space has limited ways to get in and out, it could be a confined space. A open top tank would have limited openings for entry and exit.

2) The Space is not Intended for Continuous Human Occupancy. This means that the space was designed to hold something other than people. Examples include tanks and manholes.

3) The Space is Large Enough for You to Enter and Conduct Work. If you cannot fit your body into the space you cannot become trapped inside.

In order for something to be defined as a confined space, it must meet all three of the about definitions. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) if a space does not meet all three of the above definitions, it is not considered a confined space.

CableSafe Confined Space Safety products significantly reduce accidents in confined spaces.

Confined Space Safety


Confined Space Safety

Manhole Quick Barrier

Confined Space Safety

Ladder Guard

Confined Space Safety

Manhole Skirt Barrier

Confined Space Safety

Sharp Edges Corner Protection

Confined Space Safety

Harmonica Barrier

Confined Space Safety

Fast Deployable Net Barrier

Confined Space Safety

Heavy Duty Barrier

Confined Space Safety

Safety Sign

Confined Space Safety

Cover Net

Confined Space Safety

Manhole Entry Barrier

Confined Space Safety

Light Duty Barrier


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Simplicity in Safety

confined space safety

A list of all our confined space safety products.

Harmonica Barrier

The CableSafe Harmonica Barrier is the ideal tool to quickly and effectively barricade (potentially) dangerous places. They also take up little space when not in use.

Our solutions for your safety

Cable Safety

Avoid slip trip and fall accidents by using cable safety solutions. 


Safety Hooks

Safety Hooks are the tool to suspend cables, hoses and other work gear of the work floor during maintenance and/or installation works, which prevents slip, trip and fall accidents.


Dropped Object Preventions

Dropped object prevention is critically important for worksite safety. Combat the world’s most common cause of workplace injuries.



Top quality products with personal attention to your needs. Explore all our products.