Cable Guards


Heavy Duty Cable Guards reduce electrical shock risk when cables and hoses are exposed to outdoor elements. Heavy Duty Cable Guards are an ideal safety tool to prevent slips, trips and fall accidents. The lightweight guards are designed for heavy duty usage. CableSafe® Heavy Duty Cable Guards are the most cost-effective Heavy Duty Cable Guards solution designed to protect with quality materials. Outdoor Heavy Duty Cable Guards cater to a variety of needs. This is why cable covers are very important in the engineering industry. Once you work with a wire cover, you can’t imagine working without it.

Cable Guards are the required safety tool to prevent accidents and will allow continued safe passage. Cable Guards can be used for about any application to protect electrical cables from damage and prevent tripping. Cable Covers are ideal for internal or external use in areas such as schools, offices, theatres, gardens or building sites. Some typical applications for a cable protector would be sporting events, concerts, venues and stadia, large industrial factories or complexes, docks, markets, mining and construction sites. We have supplied many high profile events, venues and industrial sites with a growing list of new wire protector applications. When do you think you need wire cover? You need wire protection and cable protector ramps more often than you probably think.

Cable ramp protectors bring more benefits than for might think at first. Besides the fact that cable ramps protect cables and hoses, it also ensures that you work in a safe place. When a cord ramp is in the right place, you prevent people falling. Especially in the technical industry, it is important to work in a safe way and pedestrian cable protectors will help you with this. Drive over cable protectors in a safe way and prevent yourself and the equipment from damage. How many heavy duty cable protectors do you need?

CableSafe does not compromise when it comes to cable protection like a rubber cable protector since it is equally necessary to keep equipment safe as well as workers working on that equipment. From excellent flexibility to high flame-retardant properties to exceptional mechanical protection, CableSafe guarantees the highest quality and safety in all cable protection areas.

Heavy Duty Cable Protection works with heavy-duty cable floor guards to protect electrical cables & hoses from burning and possibly causing an accident. Tripping accidents are common in electrically sensitive areas such as factories and grid stations. Heavy-duty cable floor guard decreases tripping accidents and protects cables & hoses against traffic, which reduces wear and tear and increases the cable life-span significantly eventually enhancing the efficiency of the product being generated. In addition to other accidents, electric shock is most dangerous since it can be fatal for employees. Heavy-duty cable floor guards reduce electrical shock risk when cables and hoses are exposed to outdoor elements.

Heavy-duty cable guards are an ideal safety tool to prevent slips, trips and fall accidents and ensure safe cable system.

CableSafe Heavy Duty Cable Guards are the most cost-effective Heavy Duty Cable Guard solution designed to protect cables with quality materials. Outdoor heavy-duty cable guards cater for a variety of needs. A safe cable system ensures the successful execution of a product. Otherwise, even a spark can perpetuate in a big accident in heavy electrical projects. Heavy-duty cable guards create a trip-free walkway which reduces slips, trips and fall accidents from clusters of cables and hoses.

CableSafe heavy-duty cable guards provide protection against outdoor elements. Using cable cover mats and floor cable cover can be a preventive measure to protect employees from a possible accident, but also the cables, wires, and hoses. Cable cover mats and floor cable covers will have a positive effect on housekeeping and are therefore recommended for secure public usage. A lot of different types of industries have included the cable cover mats and floor cable covers in their assortment to decrease trip hazards and accidents. The cable cover mats and floor cable covers will have a positive impact on your company’s and contractor’s safety rating system and overall on a safe cable system.



  • Polyurethane: Lightweight design for heavy duty use. Lighter, stronger and more durable than comparable products
  • Uses hinged lid to make adding/changing cables very quick and easy
  • Very low profile design decreases trip risk significantly compared to other higher profile products
  • Identical size allows progressive upgrade for existing customers.
  • Connecting System: integrated male-female allowing Cable Guards to any length desired
  • Patented 5 bar tread surface provides maximum traction for the Heavy Duty Cable Guards
    Inbuilt carry handle makes the Heavy Duty Cable Guards easy to carry one Cable Guard in each hand
  • Heavy Duty Cable Guards are cost-effective
  • Heavy Duty Cable Guards have a 2 year warranty

Corner Pieces

CableSafe Heavy Duty Cable Guards go straight. Corners can be made with our special corner pieces. Corner pieces are made of rubber and ensure that the Cable Guard can make turns both left and right.

Used by



Cablesafe® products are developed for the heavy industries with safety as its highest priority. Cablesafe Safety innovations have proven its usefulness for industries such as; refineries, chemical plants, shipbuilding, electrical and nuclear installation. Employees and contractors are convinced users of Cablesafe Safety Products. Some multinationals prescribe the use of Cablesafe in own company procedures to adhere to the highest safety practices.

Avoid tripping accidents and damaged cables by using Heavy Duty Cable Guards & Covers to cover walkways and driveways.
Cable Guards create a trip free walkway which reduces slips, trips and falls accidents from clusters of cables and hoses. Cable Guards provide protection against outdoor elements. The Cable Guards are cost-effective and specially designed for heavy duty usage with quality materials.

CableSafe works with heavy duty cable floor guards to protect electrical cables & hoses from burning and possibly causing an accident. Tripping accidents are common in electrically sensitive areas such as factories and grid stations.

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    • OSHA Compliant Products
    • Fall Protection Specialists
    • Practical Solutions

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